Saturday 19 October 2013

its here...again!

          ok,so not many people participated this week...well no-one -.- so the only person i can say who helped me alot all this week is owen189 , yes he is my bf. but yea =) hes just be so kind <'3 no-one enterned,not even owen, but no-one has helped me alot. but owen has been the best :* ok so i dont need to write a para on why but yeah :* please enter for moviestar of the week.its soo simple :o 
moviestar of the week announced soon!:) make sure u keep updated to find out if U have won!;) sorry i  aint been replying on msp today...been working on something special for that special someone ...-B  btw guys.... i changed my utube name... ;D here it is. before it was jessicapaulucciMSP now its jess Msp but look; 

sorry that the image is blury -.-" but yeah ... ;D ~jess

its amazing what a forum can do and a few false facts -_- btw i ended up deleting my comments on the forum i made and the others i commented on thanks to abby hampton -.- just look at the few pics,you'll get the idea.                             
idk if its true <.< 


and go ahead. scare little kids. msp will soon make a forum -.- im not the one whos gonna get in trouble.

so i basically wrote a massive para "full of lies" as abby said. so i deleted it -.- 
and she spammed my wall with hate so 

i said this on her wall

happy days...yay.....
btw moviestar of the week is announced at 8:00pm tonight!

Friday 18 October 2013

awrh ^-^ lysfm owen :* ur da reason why i log on msp i guess :/ :D 

tysfm for the greet :* 

awrrrrrh ♥

made this for yuh vvvv

Thursday 17 October 2013

hey guys :'3 just realized i aint posted in a few  days :/ well i have but yeah.. trying to revise for a french speaking test tomoz :/  im failing PMSL.... might skyve -.-' anyway heres ma fame bard :* and my sc and so poor...LOL XD 
like...yeah ): help?anyone? o.0 okaii byeeeeee needah revise more :/ 

Sunday 13 October 2013

my boo-ti-ful team ;D
team jesslings♥
these are the people
i know of so far who 
support my team♥
thanks guys!!:)
look at my guestbook :o ^-^ lol anwayz gtg bye


OMG (ikr) is it true *$tardust* is hacked on msp? look at the following pictures :o

): idk if its true or not :/ but a lvl 25!:o and anyway... msp moderator said if someone hacked they could actually say the word HACK/HACKED. ): this is the person who 'hacked' her ¬.¬
i found these to comment he posted in stardusts guestbook :s have a look......................; 

:s and even stardusts bestfriend/s have been hacked (i) ...... -.- many people being hacked it shard to believe
-.- idk whats true and whats not nowadays 
BTW spy young part 1 and 2 out now!:) please watch =) ~jess