Saturday 12 October 2013

its here...

ok,so the winner of moviestar of the week this week is............... kitty4044! congrats!:) here she is :*                    
well done kitty!:) ok,so the reason why kitty won this weeks moviestar of the week is because shes sent me lots of autos,watched loads of my movies,even made a cheer for me :o and shes made me smile:) not known her or long but shes really kind <'3 awrh :') 2 autos will be sent!:) thanks for  entering moviestar of the week! sorry if u didn't win lol :p u always have every Saturday for a chance to win :*!

ok so thats,that done :) buh baii ;) ~jess 


HAHAHAHA YEAH! i finally discovered how to put pics on the side of my blog ;) as u can see well if u look to the right loool ;D ok i was so happy i decided to put it on my blog? :?s ok then. MOVIESTAR OF THE WEEK IS ANNOUNCED AT 8:00 TONIGHT!:) ~jess
does anyone else think this comment by him is real?! anyway, idk :/ read my new ab on msp! :) ~jess

Thursday 10 October 2013

Damn, u talk so SHHHHH.......... -_-....... u know who u r ._. look at dis sad face man... vvvvvv

anyway luckily nuray1 was doing what BEST FRIENDS  should do CHEER ME UP. not do what happened -.- and LIE to ME! :/ :/ :/ 

anyway heres nuray1 :* love yuh as a BEST FRIEND.and  love that u DON'T LIE TO ME :) thanks so much for being a true friend ,cheer me up when im down :) 

anyway.........................................u may have seen my status's,yes,its true, im somehow gotta find a new crush. (i) ¬.¬ idk how but,i will >.> ........................................... if i can <.<               pretty annoyed.... wanna swear so much but ik i have some friends who see my blog and are only little ..  sooo........... @%&^"! -_- i have nothing........NOTHING TO FUDGING SAY TO U DUDE!   X-O :( </3 hope ur happy. yours-sincerely - angry person :( 

Sunday 6 October 2013

hey guys! i will be starting a new competition! its called...

...... so the competition is bascally, each week (every Saturday) i chose 1 moviestar who has helped me,made me smile,been nice,and is just awesome to others ! and if they are moviestar of the week, they will have a pic of the profile on my blog with the username,and a explanation of what they did to get moviestar of the week!:) along with some sorta description ;p and IF ur moviestar of the week,u get a atuo! lool ;) do you think U have what it takes to become moviestar of the week? 

how to enter: find me on uk moviestarplanet, write on my wall 'i would like to participate in moviestar of the week' or message me saying 'hi,i would like to enter moviestar of the week please' 

rules: must be a GOOD moviestar, e.g helping other level, helping me level and earn sc,making me laugh,talking to me,NOT being mean to anyone,and just having a good time!:) ANYONE CAN ENTER!! WE DONT HAVE TO BE FRIENDS IF U WANNA PARTICIPATE FOR MOVIESTAR OF THE WEEK!:) good luck!;)