Saturday 7 September 2013

come on skinny love,what happened here?... me and my crush was talking on msp and well yeah....ITS SO COMPLICATED  -_- ......... btw please listen to the song :) ok so thats the first bit, heres some happy things i guess?here's a pic of me and looms on IMVU xD oh and 2 pics of me by myself xD 
 he's so damn tall! xD

anyway jess out!:) 

Wednesday 4 September 2013

so u know i said i was gonna post summut about msp tonight? i never thought is would be this :'( listen to the song ...please? ok well basically zainab (watermelon2002 and her backup !!!watermelon2002!!!) started to give me hate on my wall.FOR NO REASON:( then she went on her brothers account and well.if u look on my                     wall u will see:'( the reason i put the capricorn sign is because that my star sign,idk why but i felt like it ): i have mied emotions,1 min i hate someone,next i dont,im just crying in real because of ZAINAB :'( she has my phone number cuz we used to be *bezzies* but yeah...:( 1. she said i need to get REAL friends. 2.she said im to old for the game (im only 12) and she said a bunch of other stuff, then knowing me,i freak out and update my status loads:(...THEN BOOM! someone called bethany writes on my wall 'maybe go take a bath' ?:( I DO!!!! I HAD ONE HALF A HOUR AGO FOR UR INFO! then she said other stuff:( iv just blocked them all:( thats me out i guess?:( 
sade face v.v                                    

... :( look here are some pics of what ppl wrote on my wall :(

well i gotta go:( mum said need to go bed been as its
8:57 according to my phone :/ (probably wrong)
but on my laptop it says 21:03 so its probably past
10. bye?:(
(listen to the music...BEWARE IT HAS SWEARING xD) haha you'll never guess what happened at school today :D i got told of for wearing slim fittings trousers :D just by 1 teacher :D my mum said i can still wear them cuz she said if schools got a problem with it shes gonna ring 'em up :D haha but the teacher is like >>>>>
but seriously,u cant understands what shes says sometimes,she literally gives u a lecture about a pencil -,- ............................WTF DUDE! -,- but yeah.....being year 8 is good atm :) ok cuz i aint posted alot about IMVU/ MSP i will do a post later about msp and a post tomoz about IMVU ;) 

Tuesday 3 September 2013

boosh ok so hears a little bit of ellie goulding u can play whilst ur reading this posts, btw is called burn by ellie goulding xD my first day at school in year 8 was alright,funny,friend Reunion time and so on.. :) ok so wanna know my lessons? (i bet ur thinking BORING!) but anyway just if ur interested here we go. so this is MONDAYS lessons. im doing them in order so yeah. English,Music,break,pe,science,form,lunch,maths, TUESDAYS LESSONS: D+T,D+T again,break,art & design,science,form,lunch,english. WEDNESDAYS LESSONS: geography,english,break,PE,french,form,lunch,history. THURSDAYS LESSONS: maths,geography,break,science,history,form,lunch,IT. FRIDAYS LESSONS: drama,PDE,break,re,french,form,lunch,maths :) so hope u enjoyed my boring lessons -.- omg and btw i got told now im in year 8 every bit of science homework do goes towards my GCSE because my teacher said we sit a test in year 9 for our GCSE :o NOOO :(. ok anyway, my day was alright today,but OMG I FREAKED, no literally but in my head i did ;) in my English class i found out i had my enemy in it :( plus she sits n my table -,- awkward much? aha did ur day go? P.S I HOPE UR DAY GOES WELL IF U GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOMOZ OR THURSDAY OR FRIDAY ECT... hope u enjoyed this boring update about school -,- OMG I WROTE A WHOLE FRIKING PARAGRAPH  ABOUT SCHOOL D: lol jess out ;)~

Monday 2 September 2013

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IM GONNA BE YEAR 8 TODAY D:  but the good thing is the new year 7 have gotta be in at 8:45 when the new year 8 dont have to be in til 9:45! HAHA xD.. naw  now i feel mean :( .......OH WELL :D ok just want to congratulate myself on my moviestarplanet - wrecking ball video for being on msp utube lol ^-^ PLEASE LOVE AND  SHARE i really put so much effort and sweat into it -,- (its was boiling hot so i was n a crop top and shorts sweating kinda :s EW I KNOW RIGHT :o ok so i REALLY want thia video on msp utube to become no#1 :) ok so here the vid is on msp!:)                                        

ok and here is a pic of my friend,i guess its like a shout out but oh well! shes going into year 8 tomoz im going into year 8 today! god help us -.- haha btw we dont know each other in real,just msp friends:) btw u can actually click these photos not like hate other few posts,but yeah..u can click these!

ok so off to school at 8:50 for me!:) im meeting my friend becky then we r meeting up W/ some others :) see ya! be SURE to let me know how ur first day went into a new year or new school on msp on chat and i will post the chats onto my blog if u want!:) im gonna be telling u about my day when i get back from school,i'll tell u about my new time table (new lessons) and what my teachers are like! :) jess out!~ 
hey guys!so iv been working on my new youtube video for the past day and a half and HERE IT IS! WOOOOO YAY! :D 

oh and bummer,i gotta go school tomorrow :'( but I WILL BE YEAR 8! -,- that means harder work and i will HAVE to do my homework or i get loads of detentions -,- i NEVER did my homework in year 7...anyway,dont worry if ur moving up a year or even going secondary school! it'll be fine ;)  ok so here's the video :) >

Sunday 1 September 2013

Miley Cyrus- Wrecking Ball Lyrics

 i love this song SOO muuch right now <3 this is the miley i adore! not the 'we cant stop,and we wont stop,we run things,things dont run we,wont take nothing from nobody yeah'