Saturday 30 November 2013

ok so my dad and big brother put the xmas lights on the outside of our house  5 mins ago x'D heres some pics :) there r differ ent settingsso u can make the lights flash,stay still ect :D now its time for the xmas tree ocne my mum gets back :p btw the window in the top right hand corner with the light on is my bedroom loool x'D sorry for bad quality photos, stupid blackberry :) 
well. today is my nans anniversary, R.I.P. nan, miss u :s love yuh,and the memories we had,i think its, been 6 years since u left us, we are all thinking about u:) LOVE U :* 

:) well,just thought id show my respects,u know... :s :) :* aha :s well,today we are putting the christmas decorations up on my house (i) .... :) 20 days till my birthdayyyyy yay :) ^-^ ~jess

Friday 29 November 2013

hey guys,so,i hope u like the display of my blog :) its officially 21 days til my birthday and 26 days till Christmas! yay :) btw my new blog banner took me 2 hours to make because my laptop was crashing like every. . . 5 mins o.o if u cant read the names then here they are first person is owen189 , me, !!!watermelon2002!!! , marafi123 , nuray1 ....... so yeah:P) btw they are in order (y). so um yeah....

1)ok,so have u seen my new music vid (in one of my recent blog posts) on my msp playlist? well if u havnt check it out!;)
2) my new movie series snt going so well,so i might delete it
3) if u dont want me to delete it then part 3 must get 30 views *-*
4) i lag........alot.................
5) idk what else to write. . . 
6) i know!
7) team jesslings rock!!!!!!!!!!!! *_* ~jess

Wednesday 27 November 2013

hey guys,so basically u might of seen my new ab (artbook) on msp if not here it is .. (click pic to make it bigger) 
so yeah if u read that pic u know. so basically, my free anti virus on my laptop runs out soon,and my laptop is acting up,like playing up really badly,it keeps freezing/crashing,the mouse keeps freezing,the screen freezes ect. cuz the laptop is the only 1 in the house and its mine, my brothers old girlfriend gave me it, so the laptop itself is like 7 years old,so its slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... but for christmas this year im getting  a ipod touch 5 generation so i can go on msp on that! yay! :p plus its 16gb ;) aha sorry,got carried away lol, anyway so yeah,sorry if i dont reply on msp, btw i hardly go on imvu anymore (y) and american msp (y) aha lol. 

team jesslings rock! ~jess