Saturday 7 December 2013

ok,guys, i don care WHAT u think/say about candired she has been such a good friend to me <3 i asked her for a auto like a  hour ago and i said sorry for asking cuz i must have been really annoying and her reply on 
my wall was this :) (look at the picture) shes just so kind <3 last month or whenever, i asked for a wishy for mail time, and she sent me my whole wishlist on her back-up and i was like OMG TYSM :o guys,please dont hate on her, she just so kind,pretty,awesome, amazinggggggggggggggg :) please send her autos,watch her movies,love  her looks and artbooks,SEND HER GREETINGS TO *-* (:  p.s help hollyrenee to ;) ~jess

tysm *-*

you really need to add this gurl <3 shes so perffffffect :* pretty,kind and will do anything to cheer yuh up :) 

and can i get to level 19 before my birthday? (20 december) or even before christmas?!

Sunday 1 December 2013

oh wow, seriously? making hate accounts? stop hiding behind a low fucking level and just show ur real user! bullies make people commit suicide, so why dont u stop bullying when people have done NOTHING wrong! iv been bullied enough in my freaking life -.-" 

the first hate account, it was made today -.-"


obviously made by the same person o.o

-.-" well,i blocked them both -.-"

this is piss take now -.-" 

ffs seriously! look i know im gonna get more hate users made but iv had all these messages sent to me in the last 5 mins! by the same person probably! i know im gonna get more! :@ FFS JUST STOP ITS FUCKING PISS TAKE NOW!:@

hey guys,this is only a quick post, basically, my free anti virus ran out on my laptop, so i might not be on,because i can get lots of viruses now, but if im not on, i will ask my dad to download the msp app on his phone, until i get my ipod touch 5 on xmas (y) okai?