Friday 1 November 2013

ok,a few things i need to point out..... i went to bretton firework display tonight ( 1/11/13 ) and it was well good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well.the colour of the fireworks.........ARE U KIDDING ME? THE GOLD FIREWORKS WENT UP THEN FELL DOWN AND LITERALLY LANDED ON YUH AND EVERYONE FREAKIN RAN OR THEIR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: ok,so basically..this is gonna be a longggggggggggggg post....ok,anyway, me and my dad went to a firework display and my mum and little brother where at home....... so me and my dad was standing on the field,and so was everyone else,there was only 1 or 2 security guards ( i only saw one!!!!!) where we was standing and the beginning went ok but then the fireworks went up in the sky and didnt like,get put out in time so they ended up falling down onto people! it first happened near the trees then everyone started to run like little ants......then it got closer to me and my dad,and everyone around us so we ran back, then eventually later,the fireworks literally, was in the sky surrounding us so we had to ran REALLYYYY fast if we didnt want to get hit so i clung onto my dad and he said dont worry, it wont hit us look at everyone near us, so i like..... panicked and like, peep over his shoulder at the fireworks >.< anyway, last year at the same place a women and her buggy ( with a baby in!) actually got hit by a firework when it came down! (my brother said)  anyway... team jesslings is slowly over taking msp...... :D LITERALLY I HAVE LIKE 10 NEW ADDITIONS TO MY TEAM EVERY DAY!:o anyway,this is a long post so i'll end it here ;) ~jess!

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