Thursday 29 August 2013

hey guys!so not being on msp is quit tough -,- but...on the bright side!there is a new theme! just look at this look my AWESOME cousin made me and bought ^-^  <<<<<<<>>>>>>>>v
(she sent me them pics btw) ok
anyway,she told me alot of my
friends have been deleting me?
i only have 1 bff ad thats cheba?i mean COME ON,i wonder how long it is until she deletes me ): guys!i will still come and visit! im gonna be on msp on Saturday hopefully!i cant come on today or tomoz cuz im sleeping round my friends in real. but yeah... STOP DELETING ME >.< D: ok secondly,iv had lots of messages from people on imvu saying come back to msp and stuff,look guys im sorry :s ok and last thing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANYONE WHO HAS A BIRTHDAY TODAY! and congratulations if u know someone who is getting married or who is having a baby!:) sorry i feel very kind today ^-^ ok jess out!~

1 comment:

  1. Jess, come back to msp! Please

    It's jono ~ u know jono221! Miss u! X


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