Saturday 31 August 2013

hey people! GUESS WHAT! im back :D ...............................what i mean if u dont understand is...........IM BACK ON MSP :) I decided to not quit forever </3 :) see the blue flower there? >>> it represents ALL my true,good,kind friends on msp!:) the reason i chose blue is because that color blue is clear,pretty, and all my friends are truthfull/clear,and pretty ect! :) sorry im hyper -_- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OK ANYWAY MY COUSIN POPPY LOGGED ONTO MY MSP ACCOUNT WHEN I WENT SHOPS LIKE A HOUR AGO AND EMBARRASSED ME LIKE LOADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :O I DONT HAVE A CLUE WHY IM WRITING IN CAPITALS SO I'LL GO BACK TO NORMAL now ^-^ ok she told my crush i like him on msp -,- here are some pics..btw im gonna glitterfy them xD..


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