Wednesday 21 August 2013

hey!sorry about the delay of the shout outs.but THERE ALL HERE!ok so first up we have cheba,she is my bff on msp and we dont really talk, but wish we did. she has cool fashion taste(like in the picture)and creates cool artbooks ect!SHOUT OUT TO her lvl up!
ok next we have Marafi123. on msp we are friends and she has cool animations,cool personality and so on!SHOUT OUT TO MARAFI123. help her lvl up!

next we have biebsno1fan. she is my friend on msp and is cool, calm and a good friend!she weras cool stuff and likes to chill! SHOUT OUT TO BIEBSNO1FAN. help her lvl up

okaii dokiee next we have !littlaA!, she is AWESOME (i) she let me go on her account for no reason! :D, (it just shows how much she trusts me) :) she is cool so plz add!SHOUT OUT TO !LITTLEA! help her lvl up!

next we have flyyn, he is AWESOME!!!, we go on each others account,we trust each other,we got each other on bbm, am i saying each others to much? haha anyway he is cool so SHOUT OUT TO FLYYN! help him lvl up!

thats it my beautiful people!plz keep updated with my msp status's to check my blog and for more shout outs and competitions! also,please keep updated with my blog,and comment on some stuff ^-^ :D. no more shout outs for now,but like i said plz keep updated! :) ~jess

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